3900 5th Ave., Ste. 310 • San Diego, CA 92103 • 619.795.6086 | 714 W Olympic Blvd., Ste. 609 • Los Angeles, CA 90015 • 213.224.3496

Coronado Comprehensive Active Transportation Plan

CR Associates created an Active Transportation Plan for the City of Coronado, with an emphasis on accommodating residential utilitarian trips by bike and on foot. Coronado boasts one of the highest mode shares for bicycling and walking in California, and the plan was designed to develop context-appropriate bicycle and pedestrian engineering recommendations such as neighborhood greenways and gap closures, as well as an emphasis on evaluation, education, and enforcement strategies and programs. A community-driven prioritization process was developed to rank recommendations, identifying near-term and long-term projects and an accompanying implementation and funding plan.  A wide-reaching public engagement process was developed to help guide the development of the plan and reflect the needs and priorities of community members. The outreach efforts consisted of a series of community workshops, online questionnaires, community walk and bike tours, stakeholder interviews, and a Stakeholder Advisory Committee.

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