3900 5th Ave., Ste. 310 • San Diego, CA 92103 • 619.795.6086 | 714 W Olympic Blvd., Ste. 609 • Los Angeles, CA 90015 • 213.224.3496

National City Division Street Road Diet PS&E

Chen Ryan Associates is currently serving as the prime consultant in the preparation of design plans for Division Street in the City of National City.  The project length is approximately one mile between Highland Avenue and Euclid Avenue. Division Street is a four-lane divided road with a center-turn-lane that crosses under Interstate 805. A mix of commercial, school and residential land use line the corridor. Two Elementary schools, El Toyon and Rancho De La Nacion are located immediately adjacent to the proposed improvements.  Based on future and existing traffic volume projections, the Division Street project proposes to implement a road diet reducing the corridor from four travel lanes, to three. The center-turn-lane and on-street parking would remain and approximately 1 mile of Class II buffered bike lanes installed. These bike lanes would add a critical east-west bicycle connection between the proposed El Toyon-Las Palmas Bicycle Corridor and the proposed regional bicycle path along Euclid Avenue.  The project would also provide high visibility crosswalks, ADA accessible ramps, and the construction of an offset crosswalk, median refuge and enhanced pedestrian crossing adjacent to Rancho De La Nacion Elementary School. The project will also provide sidewalk panel replacement in key locations to maintain ADA accessibility with the existing sidewalks, as concrete has lifted over time causing uneven surfaces along pedestrian paths of travel. Chen Ryan Associates is leading a design team to deliver 100% PS&E, construction management, and design support during construction for this exciting road diet project.